The whispering neck of the aardwolf


Proteles cristatus1

Proteles cristatus photo © Dominik Käuferle


Proteles cristatus photo © Greg Hume


The camouflage colouration of the aardwolf has an unexplained incongruity on and next to its neck: there are no stripes from the side of the head to a prominent oblique stripe on the shoulder. Although hardly conspicuous to human eyes, this pale fur on the side of the neck may reflect ultraviolet light as a social display at dusk. 
Robin and the Honey Badger, 22 March 2016
Proteles cristatus neck colouration 
Proteles cristatus neck colouration 
Proteles cristatus neck colouration 
Proteles cristatus neck colouration 
Proteles cristatus neck colouration 
Proteles cristatus neck colouration