Taurotragus oryx trotting

The unheard beckoning of an asinine chestnut

Links to the images that inspired this bio-insight:





File:Common eland mara.jpg

Taurotragus oryx photo by farmgirl via Wikimedia Commons

File:Common Eland (Taurotragus oryx) - Flickr - Lip Kee (1).jpg

Taurotragus oryx photo by Lip Kee via Wikimedia Commons

The common eland appears to use a peculiar combination of sight and sound – in the form of a conspicuous carpal bar and loud clicking from the carpal joint – to keep contact within the herd. The khur and other Asian wild asses have a similar marking in the form of a conspicuous chestnut, which suggests that they too may be tuned in to a joint-click, but one falling below the limits of human hearing.

Robin and the Honey Badger, 22 March 2016

File:Equus hemionus khur 1.jpg

Equus hemionus khur photo by Lip Kee Yap via Wikimedia Commons

File:Wild ass india.jpg

Equus hemionus khur photo by Sballal via Wikimedia Commons