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Note to readers: ‘Biological Expositions’ is a series of blog-posts each of which is equivalent in content to a book chapter. If a bio-bullet is likened to a starter, our routine blog-post could be seen as a light lunch and a biological exposition as a three course meal. We look forward to your comments on this series.
Amphibians are easy anteaters
Common frog (Rana temporaria) © Jörg Hempel, via Wikimedia Commons A mutilator of more than just bamboos. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Any species of mammal, bird, reptile or...
Frogs father further than mammals
Frogspawn photo © Geoff Galice via Wikipedia Commons An oxymoronic devotion to larvae. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Direct care of eggs and larvae has evolved repeatedly in many...
The competitive edge of the amphibian way
A Leaf Green Tree Frog (Litoria phyllochroa) photo from Wikipedia Four wet legs need not damp evolution. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “In the evolution of vertebrates from fishes to...
A grazing bird under the marsupial radar
Mitchell grass down, Wilson River Catchment © John Robert McPherson A mutilator of more than just bamboos. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Mitchell grassland, the most extensive...
The subtlety of simian sightlines
Orangutang (Pongo pygmaeus) photo from Wikimedia Commons Sideways glances by macho orangutans seem almost human. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Humans communicate with unique...
What does a pied lizard advertise?
Figure 1. Gila monster © Blueag9 Three extra hints of venom in monitors. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Beaded lizards are the only unquestionably venomous lizards on Earth. One...
Zebras use gnus as cover
How to stay out of focus by gnu-immersion Photo by Uli Sauer Prof. Mumblebard claims: “As this photo in Ngorongoro Caldera shows, the plains zebra is attracted to gnus. The...
Shifting roles on the ecological chessboard
Nyamithi Hide, Ndumo Game Reserve, Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa photo by Bernard Dupont An experiment in a tropical ecosystem Location: Ndumo Game Reserve, KwaZulu...
Behind the bio-edge
If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day. ― John A. Wheeler ...there's no reason why scholarship can't be as seriously playful as...
Hunting dogs hide their wolfish emotions
Cuon alpinus photo © Johan Spaedtke Canis lupus photo © Kristi Herbert CC-BY-2.0 Hunting dogs hide their wolfish emotions The wolf, Asian hunting...
The puma as an unmasked leopard
Puma concolor facial colouration photo © Art G The puma as an unmasked leopard Panthera pardus facial colouration photo © Tedmek The puma is the American counterpart for...
Human brewing pays for the enzymes lost by stewing
Kiviaq, a dish made of little auks preserved in the hollow body of a seal, photo in the Public Domain Human brewing pays for the enzymes lost by...
Unexplained convergence of ear flags in klipspringers and buffaloes
Oreotragus sp. photo © Public Domain Syncerus nanus photo © Jamie Lantzy Unexplained convergence of ear flags in klipspringers and buffaloes...
Homo culinarius or Homo fermentarius?
Homo sapiens photo © Kelly B. Homo culinarius or Homo fermentarius? Fermentation of plums photo © brankmaster The modern human species is...
An evolutionary decision to spurn combustive consumption
Matorral, central Chile photo © Inao Vásquez An evolutionary decision to spurn combustive consumption The prime example, worldwide, of fire...
Meadows more powerful than adjacent forests
Mount Revelstoke National Park, photo, via Wikimedia Commons Meadows more powerful than adjacent forests Implicit in every textbook account of...
Marsupials avoid ever-growing teeth
Vombatus ursinus photo © JJ Harrison Marsupials avoid ever-growing teeth Marsupials in Australia have radiated into various forms corresponding...
Dental divergence between armadillos and bandicoots
Euphractus sexcinctus photo © Charles J Sharp Dental divergence between armadillos and bandicoots Isoodon macrourus photo © John O'Neill...
Koala is eucalypt-hyrax rather than Antipodean sloth
Phascolarctos cinereus photo © Dilliff Koala is eucalypt-hyrax rather than Antipodean sloth Phascolarctos cinereus mounted skeleton photo...
Removing D from the list of vitamins
Homo sapiens photo in the Public Domain Removing D from the list of vitamins ‘Vitamin D’ (-calciferol) cannot be called a human vitamin because it is an inactive substance made...
Why has the panther dimmed its lights?
Leptailurus serval normal morph photo © Lee Berger Why has the panther dimmed its lights? Panthera pardus normal morph photo © Lee Berger Most...