Dingo: Indochinese jackal as much as Australian wolf

Dingo: Indochinese jackal as much as Australian wolf

photo © Goran tek-en  photo © Ashleyflashley The dingo occurs commensally with the human species in Indochina. Its geographical distribution seems to fit the notion that the domestic dog is descended from the wolf because the latter species –...

Shifting roles on the ecological chessboard

An experiment in a tropical ecosystem Location: Ndumo Game Reserve, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Ecosystems in Ndumo Game Reserve have been greatly distorted by humans, adding a deeper level of interest for the scientifically curious. Indeed, Ndumo is deeply scathed by...
Another aspect of subtle mimicry of lion by leopard

Another aspect of subtle mimicry of lion by leopard

The rosettes on the bodies of leopard and jaguar are so similar that they could belong to the same species. However, only the jaguar has noticeably bold black spots on the mid-dorsal line and chest. The relatively muted patterns on the back and chest of the leopard...
A country spoiled for choice in megafauna

A country spoiled for choice in megafauna

The desert warthog is more massive than any indigenous mammal on the whole continent of Australia. However, South Africa retains such a diverse fauna of large mammals that the opportunity to reintroduce this indigenous species as a faunal asset has been – and probably...
Chimaera-mimicry in confusing colour-morph of cheetah

Chimaera-mimicry in confusing colour-morph of cheetah

Acinonyx jubatus  photo in the Public Domain Acinonyx jubatus photo © Ashleyflashley  Acinonyx jubatus photo © HESC Acinonyx jubatus photo © Jitze Couperus The melanistic colour-morph of the cheetah is vaguely reminiscent of the leopard, but with an anomalous patch on...