A continent mysteriously lacking tortoises

A continent mysteriously lacking tortoises

Testudines failed to colonise dry land on the world’s largest island because of its combination of salt and fire. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Australia is the only vegetated continent lacking land tortoises. Terrestrial testudines didn’t reach Australia because this...
Warning colouration in the giant panda

Warning colouration in the giant panda

The giant panda is the blackest and whitest of bears, because it is the bear under greatest risk of futile attack by the tiger. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “The black-and-white pattern of the giant panda is probably an accident of evolution. If this colouration is...
The subtlety of simian sightlines

The subtlety of simian sightlines

Sideways glances by macho orangutans seem almost human. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Humans communicate with unique complexity, not only verbally but also by showing the movements of the eyes. The exposed whites of human eyes are particularly significant for...