Spotted hyena: so analysed and yet so enigmatic

Spotted hyena: so analysed and yet so enigmatic

Hyenas Spotted hyena: so analysed and yet so enigmatic Link to the image that inspired this bio-insight: The niche of any species cannot be fully understood except within a framework of cause and effect....
The undignified aristocracy of the spotted hyena

The undignified aristocracy of the spotted hyena

Spotted hyenas The undignified aristocracy of the spotted hyena Although biologists have avoided these terms, the spotted hyena qualifies as sexist and classist in its behaviour: sexist because one gender (female) systematically oppresses the other (male), and...
Spotted hyena as shadow-self

Spotted hyena as shadow-self

Crocuta crocuta & Homo sapiens photo © Kevin Richardson Spotted hyena as shadow-self Crocuta crocuta & Homo sapiens photo © Kevin Richardson The human species resembles the spotted hyena in having a society combining sexism and classism. Indeed, the spotted...
Aposematic parallels between fish and butterfly

Aposematic parallels between fish and butterfly

Plotosus lineatus photo © Hectonichus Aposematic parallels between fish and butterfly Plotosus lineatus photo © Hectonichus Both the striped eel catfish and the zebra longwing butterfly rest gregariously in dim light and are so poisonous that they are avoided by...
Don’t cross out racial discrimination in finches

Don’t cross out racial discrimination in finches

Loxia curvirostra photo Don’t cross out racial discrimination in finches Links to the images that inspired this bio-insight:
A large adder full of olfactory surprises

A large adder full of olfactory surprises

Bitis arietans photo © Johannes van Rooyen A large adder full of olfactory surprises Bitis arietans photo © 4028mdk09 The puffadder has been found to be odourless – even to the extremely sensitive noses of carnivores such as the domestic dog – when lying immobile....