Eye-catching neckline in spotted hyena

Eye-catching neckline in spotted hyena

Crocuta crocuta photo © Bernard Dupont Eye-catching neckline in spotted hyena The immature spotted hyena has a spotless patch on the side of the neck which is crisply defined by the shortness of its fur. We suspect that this patch reflects ultraviolet and is far...
Natural source of filth for an Australian fly

Natural source of filth for an Australian fly

Musca vetustissima by imisstony.com Natural source of filth for an Australian fly Australia is the only continent on which a faeces-dependent fly is an abundant nuisance in areas remote from human camps or livestock. A long-standing mystery is which animal provided...
Colour-coded cuteness to the maternal spotted hyena

Colour-coded cuteness to the maternal spotted hyena

Crocuta crocuta photo © Kate Shaw Yoshida Colour-coded cuteness to the maternal spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta photo © René Mayorga Colour-changes with age in the spotted hyena exceed those in other carnivores, providing extreme stimulus to the mother to nurture and...
Meta-shading for self-advertisement in wildebeests

Meta-shading for self-advertisement in wildebeests

Wildebeest backlit by sunlight Meta-shading for self-advertisement in wildebeests Links to the images that inspired this bio-insight: Home https://anikiki.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/img_4177.jpg http://l7.alamy.com/ http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/ Wildebeests achieve...