Homo culinarius or Homo fermentarius?

Homo culinarius or Homo fermentarius?

Homo sapiens cooking photo © Kelly B.                                  Homo culinarius or Homo fermentarius? Fermentation of plums photo © brankmaster The modern human species is the only vertebrate on Earth which ferments food outside the body before eating it....
An evolutionary decision to spurn combustive consumption

An evolutionary decision to spurn combustive consumption

Matorral, central Chile photo © Inao Vásquez                                  An evolutionary decision to spurn combustive consumption The prime example, worldwide, of fire behaving as a biological property rather than an environmental imposition is in the matorral of...
Meadows more powerful than adjacent forests

Meadows more powerful than adjacent forests

Blue Lake Loop, Colorado, photo in the Public Domain                                  Meadows more powerful than adjacent forests Implicit in every textbook account of vegetation succession is the assumption that there is a progression from herbaceous plants to trees...
Marsupials avoid ever-growing teeth

Marsupials avoid ever-growing teeth

Vombatus ursinus photo © JJ Harrison                                  Marsupials avoid ever-growing teeth Marsupials in Australia have radiated into various forms corresponding ecologically to American sloths, armadillos and anteaters. A surprising difference between...
Dental divergence between armadillos and bandicoots

Dental divergence between armadillos and bandicoots

Euphractus sexcinctus photo © Charles J Sharp                                  Dental divergence between armadillos and bandicoots Isoodon macrourus photo © John O’Neill Medium-size armadillos are the approximate American counterparts for the marsupial...