Lack of Australian gophers is no historical accident

Lack of Australian gophers is no historical accident

The absence of gopher-like mammals in Australia is not owing to genetic constraints because this continent has produced moles and fossorial large herbivores from marsupial stock, and an amphibious carnivore from rodent stock (rakali, image source: Wikipedia Commons)....
The failure of bats in New Zealand

The failure of bats in New Zealand

The apparent failure of bats to fill empty niches in New Zealand is owing to the ecological unsuitability of these islands for mammals. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Bats didn’t evolve to fill flying or flightless niches in New Zealand because birds pre-empted them.”...
The ostrich functions as a typical bird

The ostrich functions as a typical bird

The ostrich uses the same advantages as used by flying birds, namely greater mobility and heat-tolerance than those of mammals, to compete as a herbivore with the many African antelopes. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “The ostrich fits in among African mammal communities by...
Ultimately benign biological invasions

Ultimately benign biological invasions

Native biotas are today overwhelmed by a series of invasions by plant and animal species introduced artificially from foreign lands and waters, for example Lance-leaf myrtle (Metrosideros angustifolia, above). However, perhaps such catastrophes have always been a...