A new vitamin hiding in plain light

A new vitamin hiding in plain light

One secret of balanced nutrition may be a malodorous acid which human cells cannot make for themselves. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Osteoporosis and skin cancer are both caused by effects of sunlight on the human skin, with osteoporosis resulting from too little...
Seeing the light for the trees

Seeing the light for the trees

The mainstream logic, that trees outgrow each other to compete for light, cannot stand acute scrutiny. Prof. Mumblebard claims: “Competition for light is a textbook example of a proven ecological principle. It demonstrably drives the growth of trees and ultimately...
Fat mephitids not allowed in the Old World

Fat mephitids not allowed in the Old World

Did human ascent preclude skunk survival? Prof. Mumblebard claims: “In the New World, the skunk family is widespread from central Canada in the north to Patagonia in the south. By contrast, in the Old World this family is restricted to equatorial southeast...