by BioEdge | Oct 18, 2023 | Biological Exposition
Note to readers: Biological Expositions is a series of blog-posts each of which is equivalent in content to a book chapter. If a bio-bullet is likened to a starter, our routine blog-post could be seen as a light lunch and a Biological Exposition blog-post as a three...
by BioEdge | Oct 18, 2023 | Biological Exposition
Note to readers: Biological Expositions is a series of blog-posts each of which is equivalent in content to a book chapter. If bio-bullets are likened to a starter, blog-posts could be seen as a light lunch and Biological Expositions as a three course meal. We look...
by BioEdge | Nov 30, 2015 | Biological Exposition
Have rock hyraxes been shaped by a capricious Creator, or just recreational killing by baboons? Consider the pros and cons of being a rock-dwelling mammal. One pro is that boulder outcrops are abundant, so there is ample real estate. Indeed, such outcrops look similar...
by BioEdge | Nov 15, 2015 | Biological Exposition
Note to readers: Biological Expositions is a series of blog-posts each of which is equivalent in content to a book chapter. If bio-bullets are likened to a starter, blog-posts could be seen as a light lunch and Biological Expositions as a three course meal. We look...
by BioEdge | Oct 29, 2015 | Biological Exposition
Note to readers: Biological Expositions is a series of blog-posts each of which is equivalent in content to a book chapter. If bio-bullets are likened to a starter, blog-posts could be seen as a light lunch and Biological Expositions as a three course meal. We look...
by BioEdge | Oct 15, 2015 | Biological Exposition
Far out to sea there float patches of ‘seaweeds’ called sargassum – forms of macroalgae that possess floating bladders. Although sargassum is particularly associated with the Sargasso Sea, east of the Caribbean, it is widespread across the oceans in lesser...