The unheard beckoning of an asinine chestnut

The unheard beckoning of an asinine chestnut

Taurotragus oryx trotting The unheard beckoning of an asinine chestnut Links to the images that inspired this bio-insight: Taurotragus oryx photo by...
Pacing in ancestral horse as a show for predators

Pacing in ancestral horse as a show for predators

Equus caballus photo © Dagur Brynjólfsson Pacing in ancestral horse as a show for predators No wild equid has ever been recorded fleeing with a pacing gait, the normal gait at moderate speeds being the trot. However, the fact that certain breeds of the domestic...
No sitting for this hunting dog

No sitting for this hunting dog

Lycaon pictus photo © Cliff No sitting for this hunting dog It is surprising that – unlike the Asian hunting dog, the wolf, and the domestic dog – the African hunting dog ostensibly does not sit. One explanation for this is that competition and mutual antagonism with...
Non-parallel gaits in hyena and wildebeest

Non-parallel gaits in hyena and wildebeest

Wildebeest trotting Non-parallel gaits in hyena and wildebeest Photographs: Wildebeest trotting Spotted hyena’s gait Both the spotted hyena and its prey species the white-bearded wildebeests find it awkward to trot because of their sloping backs with the...